Friday, January 29, 2010


Just a little update from us...all I seem to tell you about lately is what we're NOT doing ;-) I've gotten to spend a lot of time with friends lately, which has been so wonderful! I kind of fell off the map after I became a mommy, but now I'm starting to live back into some of the other roles that define me, including "friend." I had lunch last Sunday with three of my best girlfriends. We have five little boys between us...not a girl in sight! We wouldn't have it any other way, though!

Micah is such a joy right now! He's porking up on solids and rolling all over the place. He has not figured out how to roll from front to back yet, so he is constantly getting stuck and wanting to be rescued. He's very interested in what's happening around him. Jamie can't even talk to me while I'm nursing anymore because Micah will try to get into the conversation. He loves to stroll outside, and he loves to be carried around in the Baby Bjorn. I never thought I'd be into baby wearing, but it's a great way to keep him happy and close and also get things done around the house.

Micah is nursing six times a day, and three of those meals include solids. One of those is an attempted bottle. He will take anywhere from 1-3 ounces from the bottle. I know this isn't enough for a single feeding, so I did some online research and found that he's "reverse cycling." This means he's eating just enough to get by and then waiting for the next nursing to make up for it. Smart baby. We are sticking with it, though. I've also introduced a sippy cup, but right now we're just letting him play with it to figure out how it works.

Micah has come down with a case of Mommyitis. He makes it known that Mommy is his favorite, no matter whose feelings it hurts ;-) He hasn't done too well in the church nursery the last several weeks. We will keep at it though. This consistency thing is so hard. It really would be easier in the short run to just do what makes him happy. But I have an end goal in mind...


Anonymous said...

Did you get Micah the cute outfit from Old Navy today that said "Wild About My Mommy?" I got it for Stokes. Ain't it the truth?! I feel ya on that one.

Maybe one of these days, we can get these wild boys together and let them stare at each other. Maybe when Tanner is in preschool one day. Let me know what works for you!

I had so much fun at lunch with you, Shannon, and Steph. We have to do that more often. Love you!!!

the Orrs said...

I saw that outfit! I was actually spending giftcards from Christmas, and the rule was that I couldn't buy him anything b/c I really need some spring/summer stuff that fits! I did get him some pjs

We are pretty flexible - just remind me what days Tanner has preschool. We honestly don't do much other than errands, pediatrician, and an occasional lunch date, so just throw a date out there and I'm sure it would work! Love you friend!

The Congleton Family said...

I agree with you that Micah is such a joy! Praying for you for the goals you have in mind. Parenting is so challenging, yet so rewarding. It helps to know people are praying you through.... hope to see you soon!