Monday, January 4, 2010

4 Month Checkup

Micah is going to stop smiling at pretty girls in the pediatrician's office. They turn around 5 minutes later and give him a shot! Micah had his 4 month checkup yesterday. Developmentally, he's doing great, hitting all his milestones. His height is something like a 7-month old, 27.75 inches and in the 99th percentile. His weight, on the other hand, is of some concern to us. He hasn't hit 13 pounds yet and is only in the 13th percentile. The doctor did not seem concerned, but she did ask that we come back in a month for another weight check. The funny thing is this baby is about to eat us out of house and home! We're back to six liquid feedings a day (had gone to five but quickly realized he needed more) plus three solid feedings. He can easily put away two servings of baby food at dinner and a little less at breakfast and lunch. And he sleeps all night. I'm stumped! I really want to keep nursing, so I hope he'll gain enough weight that we don't have to offer formula supplements.

UPDATE: After spending much of the day in tears over the thought that I've been starving my child, we have decided to add some formula into Micah's diet. The pediatrician did not think it was necessary yet, but Jamie and I were very concerned about the difference between Micah's height and weight. It didn't seem normal to us for a child to grow 3+ inches in two months but only gain two pounds.

We've also decided to change pediatricians. This is something I've been thinking about for several months, but I wanted to give our current practice a fair chance. We've now seen all the doctors there and continue to be underwhelmed, so we are switching to another office in town much closer to our home. I'm very relieved on all fronts. I had planned to nurse Micah for a year, but obviously he's not getting the fat content that he needs, and so we need to do what will keep him healthy. Living and learning...


Anonymous said...

Wow... he's TALL! Geez! Don't worry about weight just yet! You're doing a great job, mommy!

The Russell Family said...

No worries girl! Micah is probably going to be tall and skinny like his Daddy! LOL! A friend of mine that I work with had problems with her daughter being under-weight, but now she is fine!! Try not to stress you are an awesome Mommy!

Anonymous said...

It's going to work out fine, I think. You're doing the right thing though. Just watch him closely. I THINK HE IS SO DARLING in all of his photos but I really like the picture you have on there now. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!! SO CUTE!
GG ( next door )

East Carolina In My Mind said...

I wouldnt worry about the weight (easier said than done, I know!) Terry was the same way...he was under 20th % for his weight until he was about 15 months and then it balanced out and he is 50-75% for height and weight. I would be concerned if he had lost weight but if he is gaining then that is great! You are doing an AWESOME job and Micah is so blessed with a great mommy! :)

Jenn said...

Trust me from experience, they'll let you know when to be concerned. I had to supplement formula with Brett, and ended up switching to formula all together and he gained like a champ! Kate was on formula from the beginning and we STILL have issues with her weight... trust me, they'll let you know :) (Kate was 75% for height and less than 5% for weight at one point.) I know the stress that you're feeling over this, all too well! Trust your mommy gut and do what YOU feel like you need to do!