Monday, January 18, 2010

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. I dig this gal. Granted, she's into "Not Me...Ever!" things like co-sleeping and breastfeeding for 5,976 years - but she's also into Jesus, and I like reading the daily musings of her family of six.

I do not sometimes put my baby down for naps simply because I need a break. I know how important sleep is to a growing infant, so I only put him down for naps when I know he really needs them.

I did not get jealous recently when friends were talking about going on a week long vacation sans children. After all, I can "vacate" for up to two hours at a time, and that's pretty awesome.

I did not zone out when my husband was talking about an upcoming race and then say "yes" after he asked me a question. I know exactly what he asked and what I said "yes" to.

I did not pretend to not hear my baby chatting on the monitor this morning. I did not hope that my husband would get him this time.

I did not go to the gym recently and then stop by Burger King for a cheeseburger on the way home.

I did not start talking to my husband about a second child. We agreed to wait three years, and I'm fully committed to that and would never change my mind. He also did not look at me and say, "You're crazy." Or something like that.


Anonymous said...


Andrea said...

hahahahaha Favorite one yet. Maybe. Well, one that didn't include Micah's pictures. That's a separate category.

The Dixon Spot said...

Yall are so going to have to explain this "Not Me Monday..." I get so confused!!! LOL

The Dixon Spot said...

Yall are going to have to explain to me this "Not me Monday." I am so confused!!!

the Orrs said...

Nickie, it's basically where you talk about things you did during the week that you would (sarcastically) NEVER do. It's usually stuff that you're sort of embarrassed by. I wish I could link you to some posts from the blogger who started it, but she hasn't done one in awhile.