Friday, August 12, 2011

Joel HasAMiddleName Orr!

Joel can come now because we have finally chosen a middle name for him. He has almost been Joel Andrew, Joel White, Joel Lynn...all in an effort to find a name that is both a.) a family name and b.) something we actually like. My family had a reunion last weekend, and while there it occurred to me that my grandmother's maiden name was Williams. Jamie's grandfather is also named William even though he goes by his middle name, so we tried Joel William on for size. I shared it with my dad today, and he loved it, so it's a go!

I don't think if I've mentioned this before, but both my parents are convinced that my ultrasound is unclear and that the baby I'm carrying is a girl. My dad "just has a feeling," and my mom attributes it to small differences between this pregnancy and my last one. Jamie and I just call this wishful thinking :-). Two ultrasound techs have confirmed we are having a boy, and I've had an instinct from the beginning of my pregnancy that he is a boy. But either way, if Amelia Lynne should come instead of Joel William, and you are willing to loan me some newborn girl clothes, I would be so appreciative!

Micah is doing so awesome in speech therapy! We can see his vocabulary growing each week, and our speech therapist has been so pleased with his progress. This week she told me that she doubts his original (more serious) diagnosis of apraxia and thinks instead that he has an expressive language delay. This is good news! A lot of words that he says now are words a brand new talker would say (hi, bye, etc.), but for us this is a big deal! He's also really taken to sign language. This is a tricky thing for him because if he had it his way, he would probably just sign and not speak. Now we are working on getting him to say the words that go with his signs in order for us to "understand" him.

I probably won't post again until the baby is here. We have almost 3 weeks to go. I'm trying really hard not to rush it along because I know he will come, and then my "easy" life with just one child will be over. At the same time, I'm so looking forward to meeting him and not being pregnant anymore :-)