Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Pity Party and A Gender Party

The first eight weeks have not been particularly pleasant. I'm pretty much nauseous all the time, and my really gross spittle problem has returned. Some of you may remember that when I was pregnant with Micah, I produced about twice as much saliva than is normal. This very annoying problem leaves me with an urge to spit constantly. I finally got up the nerve tonight to look back at my last pregnancy journal to see how long this lasted, and I stopped writing about it at 22 weeks. AHHHHHHH! My favorite times of day right now are when I'm eating (no spittle) and when I'm sleeping (no nausea or spittle). I'm still trying to be a decent wife and mommy, but wow it's rough sometimes. I know it's all worth it...I tell myself this often on the really rough days...

In between feeling really sick, sorta sick and mildly sick, we've planned a cool way to learn the gender of our new baby. When we have our ultrasound around 17 weeks, we'll ask the technician to write down the gender and put that information into an envelope that we'll then give to my friend, Jenny, who bakes the most amazing cakes. She's going to make a special cake for us, with the batter being either pink or blue to match the gender of our baby. We'll then have our family over for a barbecue a few days after the ultrasound and find out over dessert what we're having! I will be super shocked if that cake is not blue!

A Birthday Surprise

I told Jamie that I wanted a surprise for my birthday on January 11, but neither of us had any idea that we'd be getting one! We recently discovered, to our shock and delight, that we are expecting again! Our new little baby is due September 11, 2011, just 6 days after Micah's 2nd birthday.

I was a few days late in January, but I didn't really happens sometimes. But then on Friday, January 7, Micah and I were at the Marbles museum with some friends, and I was not feeling my best. I also had a gnawing hunger that, if not quickly satisfied, made me nauseas. I finally decided to take a pregnancy test the next morning. I was sure that I was wasting a perfectly good test...organized, scheduled planners like myself don't have unplanned pregnancies...but when Micah and I checked the results, there was no doubt!

Jamie and I walked around in a state of shock all day, but by that evening, we had decided to tell my family. I know a lot of people wait awhile, but we didn't with Micah and decided not to this time. Besides, we were going to the Japanese steakhouse for my birthday dinner, and when I ordered my steak well done instead of my usual medium rare, my family figured it out.

We are very excited, and we know how blessed we are to get pregnant so easily. We also see the benefits now of the timing of this pregnancy: my maternity clothes will match up perfectly as will our baby clothes if we have another boy (I think we will). Micah and the new baby will also be close in age, which hopefully means they'll be close in other ways.

My prayers for my family right now are: that the baby would be healthy; that he would grow to know God in a personal, intimate way; that I would not be as sick as last time (so far it's worse); and that Micah would continue to know how very loved and special that he is.