Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maybe This Week Will Be Better Than The Last...

Last week was an emotional roller coaster for me. It started with Micah's 4 month doctor's appointment. We became overly concerned about his weight and decided to supplement with some formula, and the iron in the formula completed wrecked his stomach. He didn't want to eat much of anything for several days, and I was about to lose my mind. Nothing to me is more stressful than when my baby refuses to eat...Then, we found out that a friend of the family had delivered a stillborn baby at full term. We had jokingly referred to baby Caroline as Micah's girlfriend. Her family was so excited about her birth - they had even kept up their Christmas tree until her arrival because Santa had left her some presents. I was in a funk for days over that. They still need prayer as they try to rebuild their lives, so please remember the Bucks.

This week has started much better! Micah is on the mend, I celebrated by 30th birthday yesterday, and today I'm using some of my Christmas money to pay for help with housework :-) As I get older, the "gift" I really want is more quality time with my husband and son. Quality = not worrying about all the things still left on my to-do list. So, paying a friend to come clean my house is more exciting to me than a fancy piece of jewelry. Everyone asks how 30 feels. As Micah wipes his nose across my face while I type this, I feel very, very blessed. I have the family I always wanted, but I am a lot more aware of the fact that time is passing. Of course I always knew that, but something about 30 has reminded me that I'm not going to live forever.

So, in honor of not living forever, I did come up with a New Year's goal (yes, only one) that I hope will give my life more "eternal impact." This was a challenge set forth by our pastor last weekend.

I want to invest more in my relationships, specifically with my girlfriends.

Since Micah's birth, I've been really lax about that. I have some awesome women in my life, and I want those relationships to grow deeper and more authentic in 2010. I know this requires one main thing - TIME - so part of my goal is making the time to invest in these relationships.


Anonymous said...

I will certainly keep the Buck family in my prayers. How awful. I cannot imagine what they are going through. I'm glad Micah is back to his 'ole self again. Poor baby! I agree about your New Year's Goal-- us mommies should always make more time for our girlfriends. Its so easy to get caught up in our little ones that we sometimes make them our life and we do need to get out and do things with other people more often! Love you, girlie!

Chillin' with Lemonade said...


Oh, I will be praying for the Buck Family, I hav two friends right now who gave birth at full term to a beautiful, still born baby. Her blog address is http://safeinthishouse.blogspot.com/2010/01/update.html. The Buck fanmily may find if helpful to know that there are others out there going through the same pain.

the Orrs said...

Thank you so much, Erica. I will pass that along.