Monday, February 22, 2010

Not Me Monday

I did not have this conversation at Bojangle's last week:

Woman: Ma'am, you dropped something on the floor.
Me: Me? Oh where?
Woman: Right there.
Me: I can't see it. (Looking around, over and under Micah and the table.)
Woman: Under.
Me: (Still looking)
Woman (whispering in my ear): It's a tampon.

I did not tell the eye doctor that my son was home with a baby-sitter so that my appointment wouldn't drag on forever. My son was not actually home with his father. (In my defense, Jamie did not have to get back to work ;-)

Micah is not waking up 2-3 times a night now for his passy or just to chat. Jamie did not tell him at 5am Sunday morning that he would be an only child.

And that's all for today because Mr. Micah did not just wake up from his nap :-)

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