Tuesday, February 23, 2010

5.5 Month Schedule

I haven't posted a schedule in awhile, and some say I may want to refer back to this someday. That is, if my husband agrees to have a second child. In all seriousness, we definitely will. As a mom, it's hard to imagine loving another one as much as I love Micah, but I know it's possible. You never hear moms say, "Well, I really love my first born and the other one is just o.k."

Here's Micah's Ideal Schedule at 5.5 months old (that means we follow this about 22% of the time):

6am - nurse + solids
7:30am - nap
9am - nurse
10:30am - nap
12pm - nurse + solids
1:30pm - nap
3pm - nurse + snack (sometimes)
5:30pm - power nap
6pm - nurse + solids
7:30pm - bed
9pm - dream feed

Micah's waking up around twice a night for his passy or just to chat. Sometimes I think about not introducing a passy to the next child, but they sure do come in handy! I also think about letting Micah learn to fall back asleep at night without the passy (this would involve a good deal of crying), but within 1-2 months he'll be able to retrieve it himself. So I may just go with it for now.

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