Thursday, April 21, 2011

Easter, Ears and a Fetus Update

Easter 2011

We normally are out of town for Easter, and I always wish I was home to attend our church. This year we decided to stay put and do just that. I was so glad we did...what a powerful worship service to celebrate our risen Lord! Micah also go to participate in the Easter Egg hunt after service on Saturday night. We've never told him how to "do" an egg hunt...he just figured it out.

Micah at the Covenant egg hunt, laughing at Mrs. Melissa

An update on the ears...after several phone calls to our ENT doctor's nurse, we got Micah a new appointment for this Friday! I am so excited; this was a huge answer to prayer. I have to catch myself sometimes from assuming this surgery will be the cure-all for every delay he has. Although the doctor seems to think Micah's speech and balance issues are due to his ears, I just don't want to have unrealistic expectations and expect immediate improvement. We will see...I am hopeful!

Micah and Daddy

Joel seems to be doing great! He is very active, especially at night. Micah was the same way, and I remember worrying that he would be a terrible sleeper once he was born. Not the case, he's excellent. I just can't imagine that the squirmy fella inside of me is really going to stay put another 19 weeks. We've decided to do a monkey theme in his nursery. I've opted against buying the traditional crib bedding set (we don't use the quilt or bumper), but I did find an adorable monkey sheet along with some coordinating accessories, and my best bud Stephanie is going to paint a mural on the wall. My current vision is to have the crib in the middle of the wall with a palm tree coming up on each side and monkeys swinging on the trees. Our thought is that the boys will eventually share this room, so I don't want it to look quite as babyish as Micah's did. I can't wait to see it all come together...and to post pictures..and to put a baby in there :-)

1 comment:

East Carolina In My Mind said...

This was our first year not being out of town and attending worship at was awesome!

Praying for Micah during his surgery!!!