Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sometimes Momma Needs A Break

Today I had a little "desperate housewife" moment. I couldn't stand to play with blocks anymore or hear another toy that sings (usually several are going off at once). Micah woke up whiny from his afternoon nap and never really recovered. And I haven't really had a break all week. My sweet husband works three jobs so that I can stay home with Micah, so unfortunately he's not able to help me much during the day. I understand and don't ask him to very often.

But tonight, around 5pm, I announced that I was taking dinner to a friend and would be back when I got back. I left Micah with Jamie and dinner for both of them. I listened to one of my favorite CDs in the car - Everclear's "Songs From an American Movie Vol 1" - not exactly lyrics I want Micah to pick up. I played it LOUD. I sat and talked to my friend for an hour, then I road past the house in Windsor where I grew up. It looks so tacky and awful now, I'd be embarrassed for anyone to know we once lived there. I enjoyed going down memory lane as I passed homes where I used to babysit or where friends lived.

When I walked back in the door, I heard whaling (pretty much how I left things), but I was refreshed and ready to scoop up my baby and get him ready for bed. Sometimes momma needs a break.


Anonymous said...

Yes, a lot of times mama needs a break!

East Carolina In My Mind said...

I hear ya girlie! Way to take some time for yourself--even if it was just a couple of helps!

Andrea said...

Aw, girl. Good for you. I'm glad you were able to leave for a little bit and returned refreshed!