Monday, June 14, 2010

Micah's Dedication

June 13, 2010

Yesterday we had Micah dedicated at church. He did so well, even though the service was during his nap time. In fact, just seconds before we walked on stage, he fell asleep on my dad's chest. He never does was so sweet and we hated to bother him.

You did very well letting Pastor Branson hold you.

Until very recently, our church practiced infant baptism. Jamie was baptized as an infant, and when he made his own profession of faith as an adult, he was very disappointed that he couldn't have a "believer's baptism." We really wanted Micah to have that option, so we had decided not to baptize him as a baby. We were excited (and a little surprised) when our church began dedicating children instead, and we jumped at the chance to do this for Micah.

You received a letter from Pastor Branson, a certificate and Just In Case You Ever Wonder, a children's book by Max Lucado. The book explains how very much you are loved by us and by God.

My mom, stepdad and dad were present, as were Jamie's mom and sister. Our good friends, Brian and Rebecca Taylor, also came. After church, Jamie and I hosted a lunch at our house. We had sandwiches, chips, fruit (and deviled eggs and cake courtesy of Mimi). It was a really great day, and Micah did so well with all the company and excitement.

Your very special dedication outfit (Mommy could just eat you up in it!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love his little outfit. He was so cute yesterday!!!