Friday, June 11, 2010

Show Us your Life - Things that you LOVE/make you HAPPY

I took this from Kelly's Korner several weeks ago. I do a lot of posts about schedules and doctor's appointments and things that are probably not very interesting to others but that I hope will help me when Micah gets a sibling. I also feel that I sometimes come across as whiny or...worse...ungrateful. In truth, I'm the opposite. There was a time not too long ago when I did not think God's plan for me included many of my "loves" below. He had brought me to a place where I was truly content with His plan - whatever it was - but now that He has blessed me with the desires of my heart, I am so thankful. My son is 9 months old, and almost every night, with the same emotion (it just gets renewed daily), I thank God for his birth.

Ok, so here's what I love...not many surprises here ;-)

My sweet husband, Jamie. This picture was taken the summer we got married (2007). Here are some things that come to mind when I think about him: man of God, wise, faithful, funny, calm, respectful, sensitive, determined, silly, kind...I once heard Angie Harmon tell Oprah about her husband: "I'm honored that God thought enough of me to put me with him."

My favorite picture of Micah, taken with Jamie's blackberry in the hospital. One of the biggest surprises of my life has been how much I have enjoyed being a mom to a son. I recently asked my friend Stephanie, "Do you feel like God gave you the exact child you were meant to have?" She said yes, her son's personality fit perfectly in their family. I feel the same about Micah. I also think he's the cutest kid alive (as I'm sure all parents think about their children). I really can't wait to have another one.

This is a picture of us at Ocracoke, one of the prettiest beaches we have ever seen on one of the prettiest beach days we have ever shared together. All three of us LOVE the beach. I love this quote by Isak Denesen: The cure for anything is salt water - sweat, tears or the sea. We're fortunate that my parents have a house on Emerald Isle, and we go there all the time.

I'm a homebody. I love to travel, but I especially love coming back home. I take a lot of pride in making our home warm and comfortable. I clean it...a lot...but not nearly as much as I did pre-Micah. 2007 was a busy year for us...we got engaged March 3, bought our home and moved Jamie in by end of May, and got married August 3. We just love our home and our neighbors and couldn't imagine being anywhere else.


God has used Covenant Church to bless us in more ways than we can count. Jamie and I met through Covenant's Twentysomething ministry. Shortly thereafter, I was hired to manage Covenant's web site, a job that I loved and worked for 3+ years. Jamie and I were married at Covenant, and when we were expecting Micah, the staff rallied around us in so many ways, including throwing us a baby shower and providing meals after Micah's birth. But we love it for far more than how we have been blessed. We really believe God is present in that church and that the staff truly loves Jesus. We are excited about raising Micah in Children's Ministries, and we believe in the work the church is doing, specifically in missions in West Greenville and the DR.

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