Monday, April 5, 2010


So I signed up for Twitter this weekend. I'm not sure why. I've always thought it was for stalkers and narcissists - those who either want to follow someone's every move or those who think they're worthy of followers. I really didn't even get it for the longest time. But every time I turn around, it seems, I'm directed to go to Twitter for this contest, this information, etc. So I checked it out. Let me tell you how cool and yet crazy this thing is. I can follow my favorite celebs (which happen to be the cast of House). I can send them tweets, and they might write back. They write back to other people who tweet things like, "Please say hi to me." So I figure one of them might write back to me if I tweet something like "Why so many reruns this season? I'm so depressed." I'll let you know...

But then I realized something else. Whether we admit it or not, we like to know what certain people are doing. Yes, to a certain degree, I think we're all followers. It would sound cooler to say that I'm so not into that, but I so kinda am...teehee.

In any case, if you're on Twitter, you can follow me at jennwithapen. Don't get too excited though. Today's tweet, if I'd left one, would have been "listening to my baby cry through his naps." Exciting stuff, let me tell you! He got way off his routine this weekend - grandmas have a way of doing that - so now we're (or at least I am) trying to readjust.


Anonymous said...

I just signed up... like 1 minute ago.

Anonymous said...

ehhh... not too sure I like it!

the Orrs said...

Yeah, it's one of those things I'll probably use for like a month and then it'll die out. Haha.

The Tittle Family said...

Have never made the jump to Twitter. Not sure if I ever will...let us know what you think of it.