Saturday, April 17, 2010

7 Months and 2 Weeks

I'm a few weeks behind on Micah's 7-month post, but running late has just become a way of life for me now :-) Six months was a big turning point for us - everything seemed to stabilize - and seven is even better. Here's what Micah's up to:

- Got his first tooth last week.

- Behaves in restaurants (finally) as long as he eats when we do (can't feed him beforehand or he'll cut up).

- Has the cutest personality! He loves to make different sounds and then waits for me to repeat them back to him. Loves being tossed in the air, peek-a-boo, and has several tickle spots.

- Flashes HUGE grins when he swings at the park.

- Will lay perfectly still and just let me kiss all over his face. I know this won't last forever, so I'm enjoying it!

- Separation anxiety is getting better. We've found that as long as Jamie and I stick around for a few minutes while he adjusts to new faces, then he usually warms up quickly.

- Can sit for several seconds unsupported.

- Eats stage 3 baby food...lots of it! Has 5 liquid feedings a day (some formula and some mommy milk). Update: Moved to a 4-hour schedule at 7.5 months. Now eats 4 meals a day, usually 6:30, 10:30, 2:30, solids at 6 and a bottle at 7 (we split up this last feeding so that he'll eat more).

- Wears 9-12 month clothes.

- We love him so much! Gotta run because I miss him!

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