Friday, March 25, 2011

Better Late Than Never

People had always told me that you tend to do less documentation with your second child than you did with the first. I thought I would be different, but I'm not. No belly pictures this time. No weekly updates. I think I'm just too busy cleaning up poop and vomit with #1!

Speaking of poop and vomit, we've been plagued by sickness this winter. For some reason, I thought that breastfeeding would keep Micah from ever getting anything. Not so. He catches anything and everything and then shares it with Mom (Dad has somehow managed to avoid it all). Tubes are in Micah's future if he gets one more ear infection. I had tubes 3 times as a child, so he gets it honestly.

I'm 16 weeks pregnant Sunday, and the baby seems to be doing well. The heartbeat was strong - 160 - at our last appointment many weeks ago. I borrowed a pocket fetal Doppler from a friend so that I can check the heartbeat anytime, and it continues to be strong. We have our ultrasound in early April followed by our "Gender Party" two days later. No names yet. I'm still sickly, but it's manageable.

Micah is such a joy lately. He loves to be outside. He now gives me kisses when I ask him, which I love. He is all boy - his caregivers in the church nursery have told me "there's a cast with his name on it waiting for him in the ER" and "he only has one speed: full throttle." He is not afraid of anything, which scares me.

We are back in Kindermusik this semester, and sometimes I feel like I'm paying for me to take the class instead of him. He absolutely loves going, squealing when we pull into the parking lot, but he rarely follows the "order" of the class and instead walks around doing his own thing. He enjoys it though, so it's worth it.

As for Jamie and me, we've been very busy (thankfully) with spring races and getting my former office cleaned out so the new baby will have a nursery. And taking care of sick boy. Praying for wellness as we move into the spring!

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