Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gender Angst

I'm obsessing about the gender of this baby. I have dreams about it. I look up "gender prediction methods" online. I try to focus really hard and see if I can "figure it out." Our ultrasound is in a week and a half, but our gender party isn't until 2 days later. I know I should wait until the party to find out like we planned, but can I? Jamie and are both thinking we might want to know before the big unveiling.

I had a dream last night that we were having a boy, and I was disappointed. Then when I woke up, I was disappointed at being disappointed. I wouldn't take any little girl in the world for Micah, and yet, I think most moms dream of having a daughter. I also think if Micah had been a girl, I would be just as hopeful that this new baby was a boy. We know this is our last child, and if we had one of each, then I would really KNOW this was our last child. But it is regardless, we've decided. For us it wasn't a financial decision (not that we can afford 10), but knowing our personalities, we both feel like we can handle two. We're people who love order, routine, schedules, etc., and I think more than two would feel overwhelming to us. Heck, sometimes one is overwhelming!

So my prediction? I think it's a boy. And if it is, I know I will fall in love with him just like I have with his brother.

On a totally unrelated and very random note, I'm always joking with Jamie about traveling the country in an RV once our kids are grown. Except I'm not joking. I really want to do this. He seems somewhat interested. He offers to take me to the RV show when it comes to town. MckMama is doing this with her family of seven...I'm way jealous, in an "I wish I had the balls to do that" kind of way.


The Cox Family said...

Girl, I felt the same way. I wanted a girl too and was afraid that I would be disappointed once they revealed the true gender. I think once I was in there I had a split second of disappointment, but quickly got over it. I love that I have two boys close together now. Oliver has been able to wear Owen's clothes and use all his stuff. While a girl would have been great, it's saved us so much money to have another boy. Plus now the boys can be the greatest of play mates and friends. All of that to say, I understand. :)

the Orrs said...

Thanks girl! I appreciate that somebody understands. I know it's something a lot of moms feel, but they maybe feel bad about admitting it.

Andrea said...

:) I've missed reading your posts!