Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Pity Party and A Gender Party

The first eight weeks have not been particularly pleasant. I'm pretty much nauseous all the time, and my really gross spittle problem has returned. Some of you may remember that when I was pregnant with Micah, I produced about twice as much saliva than is normal. This very annoying problem leaves me with an urge to spit constantly. I finally got up the nerve tonight to look back at my last pregnancy journal to see how long this lasted, and I stopped writing about it at 22 weeks. AHHHHHHH! My favorite times of day right now are when I'm eating (no spittle) and when I'm sleeping (no nausea or spittle). I'm still trying to be a decent wife and mommy, but wow it's rough sometimes. I know it's all worth it...I tell myself this often on the really rough days...

In between feeling really sick, sorta sick and mildly sick, we've planned a cool way to learn the gender of our new baby. When we have our ultrasound around 17 weeks, we'll ask the technician to write down the gender and put that information into an envelope that we'll then give to my friend, Jenny, who bakes the most amazing cakes. She's going to make a special cake for us, with the batter being either pink or blue to match the gender of our baby. We'll then have our family over for a barbecue a few days after the ultrasound and find out over dessert what we're having! I will be super shocked if that cake is not blue!


Anonymous said...

I remember the spittle problem. Poor thing. I hope your nausea subsides and your saliva lessens. Haha... what a fun gender idea! Can't wait to hear!

lauravandiford said...

The girl/boy cake is such a good idea!!!!! I hate that you are so sick. I was really sick too. Zofran was my best friend. :)

The Congleton Family said...

What a neat way to find out if Micah will have a little bro or sis! Hope your spittle prob goes away before 22 wks this time around. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

I'm so tickled for you and Jamie AND Micah. He'll be such a great big brother, I'm sure. Happy for y'all.

The Dixon Spot said...

What a fun idea! I hope you start feeling better!

The Asby Family said...

This idea has become such a hit with pregnant women, I think it is so cute!! Congratulations Guys!