Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Year in Review

Another friend posted a "year in review" on her blog, and I thought it was a great way to remember all that happened in our lives in 2008. Granted, 2008 wasn't as "exciting" as 2007 with a wedding and a new house, but it was a great year!

Winter - We spent a long weekend in Myrtle Beach with the Shoafs. While on this trip, they introduced us to a little show called "The Office." For the next month, we didn't leave the house much so we could catch up on all the DVDs.

We continued our Newlywed's Bible study and enjoyed building relationships with other couples at our same stage in life.

Spring - We had a meeting with our financial planner and decided to invest some money for retirement into the stock market. But in typical Orr fashion, we procrastinated all the way until the market crashed. See, procrastination can pay off!

Summer - We got our first pool...an 8 foot wide blow-up thingie from Target. I never could quite figure out the chemicals, but we lived to tell about it. I also learned to sew and had a great time making baby gifts for friends, curtains for our house, blankets, etc.

We celebrated our first anniversary in Charleston and had a wonderful time. But while on that trip, we learned that our friend, Erica's, husband passed away in a motorcycle accident. Four days later, Jamie's best friend Jason also passed away. August was a hard month.

Fall - ECU had a good year in football, and we enjoyed going to the games. We went to the State Fair (bad idea) and continued scoring races (5Ks mostly) on the weekends. We also volunteered at our church's Hallelujah Fest (Halloween alternative), in the balloon dart booth. Both of us almost died on separate occasions from flying darts. Next year, we'll probably pass out candy at home.

Holiday Season - We had a great time in Baltimore visiting Jamie's dad and step mom. Once again, we hosted Thanksgiving at our house. It was a rousing success. Christmas came quickly, and we really enjoyed our parties and spending time with our families.

We (well, Jennifer) lost some interest in "The Office," and our new TV addiction became "House." The race scoring business grew rapidly, and we went into a partnership with two other people to purchase a chip system.

We started talking more seriously about kids. To be continued in 2009...

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