Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summertime and the Livin' is BUSY!

I really need to blog more so I can remember my life as the weeks go by. We've spent a lot of time at the beach lately. Micah LOVES the ocean and playing in the sand. He eats like a man when we're there and sleeps well, although he did rise before 6 several days and demanded to go immediately to the ocean. When we told him that it wasn't time yet, he would bring us his sandals or our beach hats as if to say, "now we're all ready." So funny!

We did have a scare with him three weeks ago. Jamie and I were scoring a race in Cary when my mom called and said that Micah had a rash on his arm the size of a quarter. We decided that she should take him to urgent care when he woke from his nap, and when he did, two more welts had broken out on his face. We were thinking a spider bite, but the doctor at urgent care thought it was a bacterial infection called cellulitis. This can be serious if not treated, but we got him antibiotics and assumed all was well. Two of the welts disappeared almost immediately, but the third is still there. I took him to our pediatrician at home - we started doing online research (I don't advise this lol) - and were worried it could be something much more serious like Lyme disease. Our doctor said she didn't think it was cellulitis or Lyme disease. Instead she called it a granuloma. She described it more like an allergy. In three weeks it hasn't gotten worse but it also hasn't gone away. I'm considering taking him to a dermatologist for a third opinion.

While seeing the pediatrician, we also talked about Micah's speech. Since getting tubes, his speech has not improved. My heart is to be a non-irritating but still squeaky wheel, so I brought it up at this visit in hopes that we could now get him evaluated for speech therapy. Our doctor agreed it was time for that. She reassured me that he does not have a diagnosable condition (like autism, for example) - he's very social and understands/obeys commands too well - but we do want him to catch up with his peers on speech. I'm very excited that we're finally at this step as I can't wait to hear him talk instead of pointing and grunting. Even so, Jamie and I are constantly amused at how he is able to communicate without using many words. Pointing and the word "up" can get you far in life ;-)

Some of our summer plans include...
  • Kindermusik camp in June
  • Annual trip to Myrtle Beach with the Dicken Family
  • Swimming lessons in August
  • Baby brother in early September...ahhhhhhh!

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