I feel like I won the lottery with this babe. Not that we don't have our moments. Naps have, unfortunately, been on his terms lately, which makes getting work done (or laundry, or housekeeping, etc.) difficult. Right now he's asleep in the swing...not a habit I wanted to start, but sometimes I just gotta get stuff done! He's just so precious and we're already talking about a second one. My friend Melissa told me shortly after Micah's birth that I would be surprised at how soon I would start to want more children. I didn't believe her, even though she'd had a delivery experience similar to mine. But right she was. It'll probably be a couple years still, but at least I'm game now.
Micah's doing really well at 9 weeks. He loves when people talk to him, especially my mom. She has a really animated voice, and when she talks Micah's eyes get so bright and he grins. He also loves noise. He sleeps and behaves best when surrounded by chaos. He definitely has his preferences...for instance, he prefers "fountain" drinks over bottles. And he likes lots of attention. Lots.
Micah had his first set of shots last week. I felt like such a deceitful mom. He was in such a good mood that day...smiling and cooing at Dr. Erwin...totally unaware of what was coming. When the first shot went in, he did one of those silent cries, silent because you can't catch your breath. Broke my heart! I have to keep reminding myself that catching any one of the illnesses that we're trying to protect him against would be worse than one bad day.
2 month stats:
10 pounds, 13 ounces
24 inches
Eating every 2.5-3.5 hours between 6:30am and 10pm
Still cute!