Jennifer and Jamie have a favorite new toy: a pocket fetal doppler. My friend Carrie bought it so that she could hear her baby's heartbeat, but she's far enough along in her pregnancy now that she let us borrow it for awhile. I can never find the baby's heartbeat on my own, but Jamie is a pro and finds it every time. He gets so excited about doing it, too - it's kinda cute that it has become his special talent.
That doppler also blessed several of my expectant friends this weekend. My friend Shannon is 34 weeks pregnant and was having some cramping. I went over to walk with her on Sunday and took the doppler so that she could hear her baby's heartbeat. It was a huge comfort to her when she found a strong rhythm. Then my neighbor Karen got into a car accident (she's fine...praise!) and really wanted to be reassured that her baby was ok. We were able to find her baby's heartbeat, which I know made her feel better. She's due a couple days behind me...we are so excited! Thanks so much for sharing, Carrie!
We had a busy but wonderful weekend. It started Friday with dinner out at Sappari. Jamie got a little financial windfall last week when he sold some textbooks on campus, so he decided to use the money to take his wife out to a nice dinner. Isn't he wonderful? I think so! I was concerned with how the food would settle with me at Sappari, but I did great. Salt is so yummy right now!
After dinner Friday, we started rearranging Jamie's office so that we could move his weights upstairs and thus start clearing out the nursery. That's a project that's still in progress, but we made some good strides. Saturday morning I cleaned the house from top to bottom, and then we distributed 25 bales of pine straw throughout our plant beds. I absolutely loved being outside, but my legs still hurt from all that bending over! After that was finished, we ran about 10 errands, which included a stop at Wendy's for a cheeseburger at 3 PM (baby really wanted it). I can't really remember much after that because I was so tired.
I tried twice over the last few days to wean myself from Zofran (my very expensive but very awesome nausea medication). Both times, I regretted it. The problem is that my book, The Pregnancy Bible, says that by 13 weeks I should be feeling much better. I really want the book not to lie. But alas, I'm still pukey unless medicated so I will continue with the Zofran regimen for awhile longer.
Jamie goes to Florida on Wednesday for a fishing trip with his dad. I'm really excited for him, but I'm going to miss him terribly! I will probably do a lot of organizing around the house while he's gone...nesting has started...but I'll be anxious for his safe return.
If you're showing, it's about time for more pictures :)
I agree.... belly shots!!
I'm so glad you're getting some use out of the doppler. That thing has been every cent I spent on it. Its definitely heaven-sent! If you get bored while J is gone, call me. We'll go walking or something.
Next week you'll see pictures. I want it to be significant enough that you're like, "Wow!" Haha. Either that, or you can kindly tell me to stop going to Bojangle's so much. I'm sorry we won't see you this weekend!
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