I loved telling everyone what an easy pregnancy I was having. But when I hit the 6-week mark (almost to the day), I started feeling queasy and this incredible tiredness settled over me. I've never been more tired in my life...I feel like I could sleep for days and still not feel totally rested! My nausea got so bad that I ended up getting a prescription and switching from prenatal vitamins to Flintstones. In any case, I know that symptoms like these mean the baby is thriving so I'm thankful.
Several people have asked if we prefer a girl or a boy. I honestly don't care (Jamie might give you a different answer ;-). There are pluses and minuses to both...boys are cheaper and easier (so I hear) but girl's clothes are so much cuter. I'm just so happy to be pregnant, and my only prayer is for the healthy development of the baby. Even so, I was on babiesrus.com last week browsing for crib bedding, and when I pulled up a girl's pattern I liked, I was shocked to see that it was marked $22.50 (from $170). I decided that if I had a boy, I could either give it away or sell it on ebay for more than I paid, so I bought it (see below).

That's cute! My friend who just had a baby made her crit set over Christmas. You could always keep the mattress or cushiony parts and just recover it with "boy" patterns. Then if you have a 2nd you could use the boy again or uncover it for the girl. Just a thought :) I guess it's public news now?
It's public in the sense that I can't keep it a secret any longer! Jamie still wants to tell some of the guys from his Bible study (Bells, Esteses). We've tried the last two weeks but either some of them have missed or we've had to cancel because of snow.
I considered making my own crib bedding but decided I'd rather spend my time on blankets, shoes, etc. For $22, I could never make something that inexpensive anyway.
Cute bedding and kudos to you on fiding a good deal! Shannon and I cannot wait to take you to the cutest little baby store ever! Its in Washington and its called "Everyday Creations." You must get your diaper bag from there b/c they only custom-make the bags so you will be the only one with your bag! Also, they have come a long way with the boy clothes. The girls' are still cuter but I love shopping for my boy, especially at Baby Gap! Too cute! Feel better soon girlie... you don't have too much longer!
That bedding is adorable.
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